Contact |
Augusto Balizano
and Miguel Moyano (A&M)
Very well known tango artists and instructors in
Buenos Aires and organizers of the popular gay milonga La Marsháll
and members of the the QueerTangoFestival organizing team in Buenos
Aires. They have performed at the most prestigious milongas in Buenos
Aires, Berlin and England. In their performances they mix traditional
tango with other dancing techniques from for example contemporary
dance and ballet. They both dance and teach both roles for gay and
straight people in Buenos Aires and Europe.They have also been teaching
at the queertango festivals in Hamburg and Stockholm.
Ute Walter and
Marga Nagel (U&M)
Very appreciated and skilled tango teachers from Hamburg, with 20
years of tango teaching experience. They are also founders of the
annual queer tango festival in Hamburg. They both have contributed
in building a platform for an international queertango scene and
their effort has resulted in a queer space where queer tango dancers
from all over the world can meet. Their work has inspired and encouraged
other countries to create locally queer tango scenes
Ute&Marga also have been teaching at the queertango festivals
in Stockholm and Buenos Aires.
Charlotte Rivero
& Katja Sarajeva(C&K)
Charlotte teaches queer tango in Stockholm and is the founder of
queertango in Sweden. Charlotte had a presentation about her concept
queer tango pedagogy/teaching at the international dance research
conference NOFOD, Stockholm January 2006. She runs her own queertango
school, Tangoverkstan, in Stockholm, the first queer tango school
in Sweden. Charlotte has also been teaching at the queertango festivals
in Hamburg and Buenos Aires. Katja Sarajeva is an experienced dancer
and has been teaching and giving performances together with Charlotte
at the Pride Festival and other queer events in Sweden.
Tangoverkstan |
Maurizio Ghella & Martin Maldonado(MG&MM)
Maurizio & Maldonado are dancers,artists
teachers and coreographers in Argentina.They
been working toghether since 2003 in
several projects connected to tango
in theaters in Argentina. In
2006 they made a tango tour teaching and performing
in Spain, Germany,
Sweden, Denmarc and Iceland.
Maurizio & Martin work as tango teachers
in different milongas in Buenos Aires.
Martin works at the National School of Dances, were he teaches
tango,folklore dance, ballet and contemporary
dance. Their proposal is a union of
technique and corporal balance
to achieve a natural movement.
For the last year they also have been
working with Helen La Vikinga.
Helen La Vikinga Halldorsdottir (H)
Helen is an appreciated and experienced teacher,
artist and organizer. She has been teaching tango
at milongas,dance schools and festivals in Sweden,
Denmark, Iceland and Argentina.She is living in BuenosAires, organizing
the milonga Mano a Mano at Salón Canning
and also lead her own tango studio Escuela La Vikinga.Helen
has beenteaching tango, milonga and chacarera together with Martin
Maldonado. They also give
performances, some times all three together
(Helen, Martin and Maurizio)and with los 3 Divinos. |