Andrea Cesarini (Italy)
Andrea Cesarini is a very appreciated and experienced DJ.
He works as a DJ regularly, weekly in various milongas in Rome.
Andrea generally plays classical tango ('30-'40). Andrea will organize
the music in tandas and cortinas to create a good dynamic.
His choice of music will keep us dancing in a nice energy and flow.
Maybe he has a musical surprise for us. It will for sure be difficult
stop dancing!
Andrea Cesarini
La Golondrina (Italy)
Maria Gemma de Lellis. She has been DJing for about 7 years at Il Melograno, Busto Arsizio in Italy.
When choosing the music for the evening she takes special care to create a
good wave. She goes for traditional classic tangos. She follows a principle of progression to create a good feeling on the dance floor. Sometimes she also like to play alternative pieces late in the night when the atmosphere of the room gets hot.
When possible she tries to accommodate any request.
La Golondrina
Carlos Zelada (Stockholm)
”I play traditional tango music filled with energy, in particular the kind played at the milongas in central Buenos Aires. My starting point is always the audience at the milonga; I select music that provides energy in order to increase both the joy of the dance and the feeling of the milonga. I am also well acquainted with the repertoire necessary for hybrid milonga, Estilo del Centro milonga or Milonga villa Urquiza. Every milonga has its audience and its particular style – I offer my selection of music as a gift to those who love to dance tango.”
Carlos Zelada
Charlotte Rivero (Stockholm)
My selection of music originates in my feelings and I try to sense the energy of the dance floor. I started to Dj 10-12 years ago. My foremost inspiration as a Dj comes from my yearly visits to the milongas of Buenos Aires where I particularly appreciate the style of Mario Orlando. Mainly I select both lyrical music and music rich in energy, creating a desire to dance and a pulse on the dance floor. I focus on the Golden Age and at milongas I mostly play music organized in tandas and cortinas which creates a good dynamic for a milonga. It allows dancers to listen in on the music before chosing to dance. It also gives dancers a chance to take a break, watch or find a new partner. I play regularly in Stockholm but also in other cities and abroad, for instance Norway, Belgium and Buenos Aires.
Charlotte Rivero
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