Weekend Theme: Musicality and Roles in Motion
During the weekend Gonzalo Alonzo & Mariel Robles (Buenos Aires) will teach the packages. This will make it possible to work deeper on quality of movements, connection and musicality. Several of you already know these very popular teachers from previous queer tango festivals in Stockholm.
Teachers of the beginners package are Charlotte Rivero and Mariel & Gonzalo.
>>Schedule for the whole weekend
Drop in workshop
Charlotte Rivero will give a workshop during Saturday at 16.00-17.30 with the title Energies and Roles in Motion. Let the music seduce you! It is about queering the tango by open/sliding roles to reach a very intense connection with a flow and feeling that you just dance, not being aware of who is leading or following. We dance in traditional and non traditional embrace. Charlotte will introduce you to techniques for reaching this. Charlotte will also guide you to ways of listening to the music giving opportunities dancing in a queer way. Queer tango dancing is of course associated with exchange of roles and same sex dancing but it also gives you the possibility to explore other ways of queering the tango and reflect over this new experiences and the concept "queer tango".
>>Register to drop-in
Weekend packages
weekend package
* Workshops 6.25 hours
* Milonga Q 3 nights
* Workshops 6.25 hours
>>Register to packages
Levels and groups
(A) Beginners No tango experience needed (starts 17.00 on Friday)
(B) Advanced beginners ½ - 1.5 years of dancing (starts 19.00 Friday)
(C) Intermediate/advanced 1.5 - 5 years. Experienced dancer (starts 20.30 Friday)
Schedule for packages
There might be some time changes.
Group A, Beginners
with Mariel & Gonzalo, Charlotte Rivero
>>Printer friendly schedule group A
22/10 Friday 17.00-18.45
23/10 Saturday 13.45-15.45
24/10 Sunday 11.30-13.00, 14.20-15.20
Group B, Advanced beginners
with Gonzalo & Mariel
>>Printer friendly schedule group B
22/10 Friday 19.00-20.15
23/10 Saturday 11.30-13.30
24/10 Sunday 14.20-15.20, 15.30-17.30
Group C, Intermediate / Advanced
with Gonzalo & Mariel
>>Printer friendly schedule group C
22/10 Friday 20.30-21.45
23/10 Saturday 11.30-13.30, 17.45-19.45
24/10 Sunday 13.15-14.15
Schedule for packages
Friday 22/10 |
Saturday 23/10 |
Sunday 24/10 |
11.30 – 13.30
Body Connection, Partner Connection
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles |
11.30 - 13.00
Ochos with Stops
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles |
17.00 - 18.45
Basics for beginners. Your first tango steps and your first entrance to the music
Charlotte Rivero |
13.45 - 15.45
Tango Waltz for beginners
Charlotte Rivero |
13.15 - 14.15
The leader proposes and then follows.
Impuls, Frenos y Adornos
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso |
19.00 – 20.15
Learn today, use tonight
Movimientos básicos y útiles, Musica y Abrazo
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso |
14.20 - 15.20
Frenos con Adornos
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles |
20.30 – 21.45
The best way to learn is doing, don't stop dancing!
Diferentes alternativas de Giros y Desplazamientos
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso |
17.45 – 19.45
The Tango music proposes more than strong and weak tempos.
Discover the Syncopa in your walk
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso |
15.30 – 17.30
Milonga con Traspié
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso |
>>Register to packages
Schedule for drop in lessons
>>Printer friendly schedule for drop in
Friday 22/10 |
Saturday 23/10 |
Sunday 24/10 |
11.30 – 13.30
Advanced Beginners
Body Connection, Partner Connection
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles
Sek 360 |
11.30 - 13.00
Ochos with Stops
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles
Sek 300 |
17.00 - 18.45
Basics for beginners. Your first tango steps and your first entrance to the music
Charlotte Rivero
Sek 290 |
13.45 - 15.45
Tango Waltz for beginners
Charlotte Rivero
Sek 340 |
13.15 - 14.15
The leader proposes and then follows.
Impuls, Frenos y Adornos
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso
Sek 220 |
19.00 – 20.15
Advanced Beginners
Learn today, use tonight
Movimientos básicos y útiles, Musica y Abrazo
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso
Sek 260 |
16.00 - 17.30
Advanced Beginners
Energies and Roles in Motion. Let the music seduce you!
Charlotte Rivero
Sek 180 or sek 120 if you have a weekend package. |
14.20 - 15.20
Advanced Beginners
Frenos con Adornos
Gonzalo Alonso
Mariel Robles
Sek 220 |
20.30 – 21.45
The best way to learn is doing, don't stop dancing!
Diferentes alternativas de Giros y Desplazamientos
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso
Sek 260 |
17.45 – 19.45
The Tango music proposes more than strong and weak tempos.
Discover the Syncopa in your walk
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso
Sek 360 |
15.30 – 17.30
Advanced Beginners
Milonga con Traspié
Mariel Robles
Gonzalo Alonso
Sek 360 |
>>Register to drop-in

© Charlotte Rivero
Information on this side may be subject to change